Our impact

Since our formation in April 2020, FIND has assisted 17 organisations in a range of matters involving 45 jurisdictions including:

 Provided financial investigations workshops to a group of justice experts who investigate and prosecute persons responsible for violating international criminal law.

Identified UK-held assets for the purposes of sanctions submissions in the context of tackling human rights violations in Eurasia.

Supported regulatory complaints in relation to technology and telecoms companies suspected of complicity in restricting internet access.

Demonstrated the dissipation of assets in support of a successful £500,000 freezing order against a human trafficker who subsequently settled with the claimants.

Gathered information and evidence about the supply chain of a hydrocarbons company to support a consumer complaint.

Identified assets of an arms dealer convicted of aiding and abetting war crimes in anticipation of criminal proceedings with the aim of securing reparations for survivors.